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Can I create memberships for my store customers ? How do I do it?
Login to Back-office > from the left menu click on ‘Membership’ > click on ‘New Membership’ -> new membership form will open here.
There are various ways to create memberships for my store customers according to user type, validity type, Fees type
1. User Type :
If selected INDIVIDUAL: The create memberships for my store customers will be availed by a single person

If selected GROUP: The membership can be availed by more than 1 person. After the selection of Group please enter “Maximum no. of users for a group “.

2. Validity type :
If you select Time _Bound: Membership is availed for a limited time period, As per the selection of Time Period & Time Period Type.

If you select a LifeTime : This membership can be availed for 25 years.

3.Fees Type :
If selected One_Time: This membership can be purchased for one time fees. The Applicable Fees will be asked at the time of enrollment.

If selected SUBSCRIPTION : This membership can be renewed as subscription. Once selected it will show Renewal Subscription fees.

4.Linked with order value : If clicked on Linked with order value the Membership is applied on order.
To apply for membership in order > you have to create a discount from marketing .
Click on marketing > Create a new campaign > here click on ‘Membership plan’ > In drop down of it you have to select membership which is created from membership > after selection of membership it will show options like Membership Discount on-> it will give 2 options
a.NUMBER_OF_ORDER : At the time when i select no. of orders in membership discount on then it should be applicable for the no . of orders which has been entered.
b.PER_ORDER : If it is selected , It is applicable for all orders placed form POS side

5. Linked with Rewards point : If Clicked on the checkbox of Rewards point the Membership gives rewards point benefit.
a.If selected fixed rewards point : It will give fixed fixed no of rewards point which entered in No. of points fixed per order.
b. If selected Multiple rewards points : It will multiply no. of rewards point entered in X times(Will get multiplied with times rewards).